Category: backup

  • Migrating SMSSecure (Silence) keys and texts

    For those unfamiliar: SMSSecure (now called Silence) is a text messaging application that supports encryption. It has exceptional integration on your phone and will handle your non-encrypted friends acquaintances texts as well. I recommend using fdroid to install it. F-droid is a Free Software repository for Android. UPDATE: You can now export an…

  • SpamAssassin training and spam cleanup script

    Spam is a constant battle as it is ever changing and always creeping into your Inbox. Spam wrangling is only effective with proper training, SpamAssassin does a decent job out-of-the-box but needs users input to truly be effective. This script will run SpamAssassin’s built in sa-learn tool against users known spam and known ham. With…

  • Backup Scripts in bash and batch

    Here is a bash script that I use to do simple and transparent backups of all sorts of data. I use it primarily to backup to multiple external hard drives, plugged in via USB. It uses regular mount or gnome volume manager. It also sends logs via email using “mail” and a local MTA like…