Category: scripts
Apache, MySQL and WordPress install script
After lots of laborious manual installs and much motivation from my buddy Damian of Mindshare, I decided to write a little script to quickly install and setup a typical environment for WordPress. This script does the following: – install apache, php and mysql – activate typical apache modules – create directories – download and un-tar…
SpamAssassin training and spam cleanup script
Spam is a constant battle as it is ever changing and always creeping into your Inbox. Spam wrangling is only effective with proper training, SpamAssassin does a decent job out-of-the-box but needs users input to truly be effective. This script will run SpamAssassin’s built in sa-learn tool against users known spam and known ham. With…
Simple tracking of top memory users over time
I have a Dreamhost VPS account and have been running out of memory and experiencing the dreaded forced reboots dh impose. I found it difficult to identify the offending sites that take up all that memory on my server. Every time I login and run top it was too late or I would find a…