Category: Tutorial

  • Meshtastic solar repeater and client node setup

    ** this post is under construction ** == Repeater setup == Requisites: – solar charged– battery powered– low temp Li-ion charge cutoff– low power– no gps module due to fixed location– advantageous location– reliable/durable– medium gain antenna Materials: Soldering iron. Whatever you have should work, no fancy soldering required Heatshrink tubing RAKwireless WisBlock Meshtastic…

  • Wireguard VPN server on OpenWRT

    Wireguard VPN server on OpenWRT

    Wireguard is a wonderfully superior VPN. Its simple, fast, lightweight, modern, GPL licensed and very secure. Read more at Here is the setup: is the home lan subnet with as the OpenWRT gateway/router (v19.07.4). is a public vlan that we will setup to route over the vpn. is the wireguard subnet with…

  • Installing Nextcloud v22 on Debian v11 (buster) using Redis

    This is a concise tutorial, it is not meant to be a hand holding step by step guide. Please comment or contact me if you find errors. Prerequisites:Setup a domain/sub domain with an A record to the ip of the server or a CNAME to a “dynamic DNS” hostname. I recommend server needs to…

  • Setup x11vnc server with systemd auto start up

    The reason I use x11vnc is that it connects to the existing graphical session. Most other vnc servers will spawn an entirely new graphical session. While that is super cool, I don’t want that feature. This is for remote support, where I want the user and the supporter to share the same session. I use…

  • Setup VLAN on OpenWRT using hardware that has no switch ports

    The new versions of OpenWRT (18 and newer) have the ability to add vlan interfaces directly from LuCI (web gui). You can now skip the manual editing of the /etc/config/network file. Using 802.1q in OpenWRT is very difficult when working on a device that doesn’t have a built-in switch or the when the switch chipset…

  • Flashing om1p with stock openwrt

    I have many open-mesh OM1P units laying around from failed wireless projects. Needless to say I’m not a big fan of open-mesh and have some other projects in mind for this hardware. It was a painful process but well worth it. Now I have nice little OpenWRT units for any hacking pleasure. I have made…

  • OpenWRT, Access Point only config. LAN and PUBLIC wireless on an existing subnet

    In this scenario we will be implementing a openWRT as a wireless access point only. One wireless essid will be LAN accessible and the other will be segregated from the LAN but able to access the WAN. The openWRT in this example will not be the gateway to the network. Another device is the gateway…

  • Setup PPTP server using OpenWRT

    DON”T USE PPTP ITS INSECURE!! USE OPENVPN or WIREGUARD INSTEAD.  TUTORIALS -> That said, if you want to setup pptp on the openwrt here is a guide. The router is Backfire 10.03.1 at address This configuration will setup the PPtP VPN server and it should be pointed out that its not a…

  • Public Key Authentication in OpenWRT using dropbear sshd

    UPDATE: The easiest way to do this is through the web interface (LuCI). System -> Administration -> SSH-Keys. Paste your public key (~/.ssh/ and click “Add key” I’ve been using so many openwrt devices lately I wanted to setup my public ssh key on each device so I can auto login. Also, I can setup…

  • Random Tech Notes

    Here are some random notes that I find useful. I also tend to forget and use as reference. == LINKS == iproute2 cheat sheet by dmbaturin The MTU/MSS calculator, encapcalc Speedtests The BEST -> SpeedOf.Me data transfer calculator [] Vim reference :e filename (open filename) :q! (quit, don’t save)…

  • Installing OpenVPN client on Windows

    These are the manual instructions for installing and configuring OpenVPN client. After having many problems over the years with openvpn gui breaking, I have devised a reliable work around. Create the following batch script, name it something like ovpnConnect.bat, and right click to “Run as Administrator”. This does require the openvpn gui from to…