Category: vpn

  • Wireguard VPN server on OpenWRT

    Wireguard VPN server on OpenWRT

    Wireguard is a wonderfully superior VPN. Its simple, fast, lightweight, modern, GPL licensed and very secure. Read more at Here is the setup: is the home lan subnet with as the OpenWRT gateway/router (v19.07.4). is a public vlan that we will setup to route over the vpn. is the wireguard subnet with…

  • OpenVPN on VyOS

    OpenVPN Client/Server Implemenation ==== key signing ==== You can host the certificate authority on the vyos device itself. This is obviously not as secure as hosting it on a separate system. If someone was to get into the vyos they would have access to all your keys and would be able to sign new keys…

  • OpenVPN on the OpenWRT

    This outlines a typical VPN implementation with server, clients and routing. Using Attitude Adjustment 12.09. Although, this should work on any new version of OpenWRT. Last tested on version 17. Start by ssh’ing into the router and installing packages. root@myWRT:~# opkg update root@myWRT:~# opkg install openvpn-openssl openvpn-easy-rsa Create a “openvpnconfig” directory under config and move…

  • Setup PPTP server using OpenWRT

    DON”T USE PPTP ITS INSECURE!! USE OPENVPN or WIREGUARD INSTEAD.  TUTORIALS -> That said, if you want to setup pptp on the openwrt here is a guide. The router is Backfire 10.03.1 at address This configuration will setup the PPtP VPN server and it should be pointed out that its not a…

  • Installing OpenVPN client on Windows

    These are the manual instructions for installing and configuring OpenVPN client. After having many problems over the years with openvpn gui breaking, I have devised a reliable work around. Create the following batch script, name it something like ovpnConnect.bat, and right click to “Run as Administrator”. This does require the openvpn gui from to…