jason schaefer . com

"arguing that you don’t care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say."

Tag: apache

  • Apache, MySQL and WordPress install script

    After lots of laborious manual installs and much motivation from my buddy Damian of Mindshare, I decided to write a little script to quickly install and setup a typical environment for WordPress.
    This script does the following:
    – install apache, php and mysql
    – activate typical apache modules
    – create directories
    – download and un-tar WordPress
    – set permissions for wordpress doc root et al
    – create database, user, pass and grant to db.
    – auto setup typical VirtualHost site file in apache for both http and https
    – generate a self signed certificate

    Here is the bash script -> http://jasonschaefer.com/stuff/setupwp.sh.txt
    download, rename, and chmod 755 and run it like so “./setupwp.sh hostname”
    Be sure to understand what the script is doing before you run it :-)