jason schaefer . com

"arguing that you don’t care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say."

Tag: thunderbird

  • SpamAssassin training and spam cleanup script

    Spam is a constant battle as it is ever changing and always creeping into your Inbox. Spam wrangling is only effective with proper training, SpamAssassin does a decent job out-of-the-box but needs users input to truly be effective. This script will run SpamAssassin’s built in sa-learn tool against users known spam and known ham.

    With my setup — A spam message is received (postfix) and identified as spam (spamassassin), it will be moved to the users Junk directory per the Sieve (dovecot) rule at the bottom of this post. If a spam message is received and not matched as such, it will be delivered to the Inbox. The user will identify it and manually move it to the Junk directory. I like to configure Thunderbird to “Move new junk messages to: “Junk” folder on: … in Account Settings.” Now a user marks a message as Junk, it automatically gets moved.

    When this script runs it will mark messages in the Inbox as ham and messages in the Junk directory as spam. The command “sa-learn –sync” adds these results to the Bayes database that SpamAssassin consults when determining a spam score for each received message. This database is optionally backed up in the event a mistake was made and you need to revert back to previous versions. The script logs to /var/log/train-mail.log, information about how much spam and ham is being added, how many total messages have been processed and stats on the auto clean feature built into sa-learn can be gleaned. Additionally, I setup a spam cleanup using find and rm.

    If sa-learn scans a mail as ham when it is spam, or vice versa, simply move the messages to the correct directory (Inbox=ham/Junk=spam), and the mistake will be corrected on the next run. SpamAssassin will automatically ‘forget’ the previous indications.

    Its important to have an equal part ham to spam. As a result I run this script daily in an effort to capture users ham before they delete it or sort it into sub folders. Another thing to be aware of is that typically you should aim to train with at least 1000 messages of spam, and 1000 ham messages, if possible. More is better, but anything over about 5000 messages does not improve accuracy significantly in SpamAssassins tests.

    Obviously a lot of these options are site/user specific. This is a good foundation to use as-is or build from.

    #specify one or more users, space padded [user=(user1 user2 user3)] or empty [user=()] to include all users. All users is considered uid ≥ 1000.
    #After how many days should Spam be deleted?
    #backup path, comment out to disable backups
    bk=/home/backup/sa-learn_bayes_`date +%F`.backup
    echo -e "\n`date +%c`"  >> $log 2>&1
    if [ -z ${user[@]} ]; then
    echo user is empty, using all users from system
    user=(`awk -F':' '$3 >= 1000 && $3 < 65534' /etc/passwd |awk -F':' '{print $1}'`)
    for u in ${user[@]}; do
    if [ ! -d /home/$u/Maildir ]; then
    echo "No such Maildir for $u" >> $log 2>&1
    echo "Proceeding with ham and spam training on user \"$u\""
    #add all messages in "junk" directory to spamassassin
    echo spam >> $log 2>&1
    #change this path to match your spam directory, in this case its "Junk"
    #add current and new messages in Junk directory as spam
    sa-learn --no-sync --spam /home/$u/Maildir/.Junk/{cur,new} >> $log 2>&1
    echo ham >> $log 2>&1
    #only add current mail to ham, not new. This gives user a chance to move it to spam dir.
    sa-learn --no-sync --ham /home/$u/Maildir/{cur} >> $log 2>&1
    #sync the journal created above with the database
    echo sync >> $log 2>&1
    sa-learn --sync >> $log 2>&1
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    for u in ${user[@]}; do
    echo "deleting spam for $u older than 30 days" >> $log 2>&1
    find /home/$u/Maildir/.Junk/cur/ -type f -mtime +$cleanafter -exec rm {} \;
    echo "sa-learn wasn't able to sync. Something is broken. Skipping spam cleanup"
    echo "Statistics:" >> $log 2>&1
    sa-learn --dump magic >> $log 2>&1
    echo ============================== >> $log 2>&1
    if [ -n $bk ]; then
    echo "backup writing to $bk" >> $log 2>&1
    sa-learn --backup > $bk

    Here is my sieve rule for moving messages that are marked as spam to my Junk directory. I setup roundcube for people to manage their sieve filters.

    $ cat /home/jason/sieve/managesieve.sieve
    require ["fileinto"];
    # rule:[SPAM]
    if header :contains "X-Spam-Status" "Yes"
    	fileinto "Junk";
  • Thunderbird & Lightning | contacts, calendar, mail syncing for gmail

    Automatic email setup add-on: Gmail IMAP Account Setup THUNDERBIRD VERSION 3 HAS NATIVE SUPPORT FOR GMAIL.

    Manual email instructions: Setup Thunderbird according to gmail’s imap instructions

    At the bottom of gmail’s instructions you will see “recommended settings“. Don’t follow the first recommendation, regarding deleting. Instead of actually (permanently) deleting email we can have it moved to the Trash folder, as if you were using the gmail web interface. Gmail has strange folders structure in imap. Here are a few steps to work with gmail folders (Of course, they call them labels :-)

    Under Account settings -> Copies and Folders
    1. un-check “place a copy in… sent”
    2. change  “drafts and templates” to Other -> [your gmail address] -> [Gmail] -> Drafts
    Note: Sent and Drafts will automatically show up in their respective folders, as long as you send mail through smtp.gmail.com.
    3. Go to Options/Preferences (under tools or edit menu). Go to Advanced -> Config Editor. In the Filter box, type “mail.server.server” and look for the gmail address. Whichever number is in the X place of mail.server.serverX, is what you want to use for the new value.
    Right click New -> String “enter mail.server.serverX.trash_folder_name” (X is the number that correlates to your gmail account, from above). Next enter “[Gmail]/Trash”. Restart Thunderbird. Delete something, if it does not go into the [Gmail]/Trash folder restart again. It should work after that. Now you can delete the Trash folder (represented as [Imap]/Trash in gmail)

    Contact syncing: A few options.
    A very popular and stable add-on Zindus Its great but does not support the address field syncing. (Enter your user/pass under Tools -> Zindus)
    gContactSync has support for the address field but is very early in development. If any contacts have an empty email field it adds a @nowhere.invalid email address in Tbird. Thankfully this is not synced to your gmail account!
    Also, This looks promising but does not work with Tbird3 Google Contacts.

    Calendar Sharing: Use the add-on Lightning (aka sunbird as a Tbird add on).  Lightning 1.0b1 does not integrate with Thunderbird 3 toolbar layout very well. It messed up the “file” “edit” and “view” menus. Although, they aren’t really missed by anyone and are sort of accessible if you really need them. Try it for yourself, its not too bad.
    For native support follow the Google sunbird instructions for CalDav (recommended)
    There is also another plugin called Provider for Google Calendar that can be used..