Category: networking
OpenVPN on VyOS
OpenVPN Client/Server Implemenation ==== key signing ==== You can host the certificate authority on the vyos device itself. This is obviously not as secure as hosting it on a separate system. If someone was to get into the vyos they would have access to all your keys and would be able to sign new keys…
OpenWRT, Access Point only config. LAN and PUBLIC wireless on an existing subnet
In this scenario we will be implementing a openWRT as a wireless access point only. One wireless essid will be LAN accessible and the other will be segregated from the LAN but able to access the WAN. The openWRT in this example will not be the gateway to the network. Another device is the gateway…
OpenWRT setting up a public wireless access that is firewalled from the LAN
In this post I will outline how to use zones to create public firewalled networks. A device that can bring up multiple interfaces per radio is very attractive here. One essid for private wireless and another for open public wireless. The Atheros ath9k chipsets are very well supported in this regard because they are free…
Spoof MAC address in Windows or gnu/linux
start -> run -> regedit make a backup, if you want. goto: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318} look through the list of subkeys (0000, 0001, etc) DriverDesc keyword will tell you which network adapter. For example, “NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller” when you find it, right click and add -> new -> string value new keyword: Value Name: = NetworkAddress…